FIVE POEMS BY AYDN ARAZ – trans. Cristina Viti & . Ziba Karbassi
The world is spinning around my head
Have I, have I become
The best beloved of the world
- or am I drunk
Mo ...
............. e..............
....................r .....................
what can I do ................
you just won’t fit in my poem.
Not only with my -
Not only with ‘that’
Do I want to enter your womb
O my love, be my mother,
But never let me out again.
Moon - full bright
Me – full mad
We will eat this night
Down to the bone
Be a stone
no finger of rain can ever mark
be a stone
no gale of wind can ever budge
be a stone
so no one can love you
or be loved by you
be a stone
even so
even stone
I will love you.